Day 264: So Much Depends on a Good Night's Sleep

I’m listless, fugued, annoyed. I can’t be bothered. I got out of the wrong side of ‘head’ this morning afternoon. And it’s not improving. I don’t feel like writing. I feel like knitting, sleeping (more) or just reading, nothing else. All the books I am reading at the moment seem to be a bit God-y. Or in denial or satire of God, or exploring the existence of God. It’s strange how sometimes things group themselves together in your life without design. Angels and Demons is essentially a battle of science versus religion; The God Delusion is an argument toward it being okay to say you are an atheist, and here are some reasons why; The Book Against God is a protagonists attempt to write the atheistic novel; and; American Gods looks at what makes a God and how belief and the existence of Gods are intertwined. All of those descriptions are in their most basic forms and there is a lot more to each text, so please take this with a pinch of salt. (No need for corrective comments etc.) The summations merely show the interrelatedness of what I am reading. Hopefully it doesn't go the way of the last time I read two closely related books—The Hours and Mrs Dalloway—and got a tad confused.

List_Addict               Irene

This may explain my state of mind. I was blissfully sleeping the afternoon away after another ridiculous wake/sleep pattern (three hour night, work all day; sleep on couch for three hours, awake three hours, sleep three hours, work all day; sleep on couch four hours, stay up from midnight to seven a.m., present blissful sleeping state). The alarm had been going for about three hours and I had managed to completely ignore it. But then the boy arrived. His entrance made me aware of the alarm. It made me aware of the fact that I was still asleep and the day was almost gone. At first he was civilised and got into bed too, but he was restless and (sweetly) decided to make coffee so I would get up. He went away and I could concentrate of getting back to sleep. But then he came back. And he started the really annoying stuff: taking off the covers, grabbing body parts and dragging them towards the edge of the bed, borrowing the phrase 'Come on little fella!' from a work colleague, even going so far as to select some outerwear and start to dress me. I had to get up just to stop the barrage. But then he made me go to boxing. To keep me enthused, he spoke out names of people who I could think about when needing incentive to punch. I told him I didn't need any additional incentive, thanks, it was right in front of me. Can you understand where my mood originated now? I did realise that the moment I like boxing is the exact same one as when I walk out the door. I love boxing at that moment. Lucky I didn't feel like writing today otherwise this would have been a really long post!

The Outfit
Tag-in, Tag-out Project in play, with one item each day carried to the next
Dress (Tag-out): Op-shopped
Top: Op-shopped
Jacket (Tag-in): Op-shopped
Belt: Op-shopped
Tights: Retail, I am mad-for-plaid today!
Shoes: Irregular Choice 'Can Can'

Photographer de Jour: V——

Who wore it better?

Getting linky today with:

Thrifters Anonymous



  1. Ah, what a great combination of reds, stripes and plaids! Your "Tone Poem" is a good read! Thanks for linking up with 52 Pick-me-up.

  2. Love the clash of plaid.


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